
Showing posts from October, 2017

Montser Candy- Halloweensie Contest

  Monster Candy- Halloweensie Contest     It was dark and my mom and I decided to stop trick or treating and go home. Rustle, I heard when mom opened the door. “Did you hear that?” I asked.  “Was it a monster?” “No,” she replied. I saw a square shadow move across the room.  Wait, a bag of candy corn? Strange. I grabbed the bag, it wiggled, I opened it and peered inside. The candy corn peered back and it looked angry.  Halloween magic?  They were trying to climb out and get me. I tilted the bag back and opened my mouth.  They were angry, but yummy.

Productive Week

This week has been productive- as my title says.  I've worked on several pieces of art, there are a couple I'm really not happy with but some I really like. This week I tore apart one of my book manuscripts and I'm almost ready to send it back out into the world.  I'm hoping the revisions strike a cord with an agent.  I'm very pleased with the rewrites, I believe its loads stronger than the last.  Also, I will be opening a Behance account to show the best of my work to potential agents.  I will still do this blog and share what I've been working on, but since agents are overworked, a condensed Behance with just my best work seems like the way to go.   Here is the ghost mermaid finished from last week.  An orange monster or monster dust bunny, out enjoying a sunny day.  This one isn't my favorite, but I did enjoy working with so many colors.  This is supposed to be the rose from beauty and the beast in front...

Spooky Pictures Week

My oldest daughter and I have been doing art prompts we found on Pinterst. This month we found two different ones and I decided to combine them when possible to make one work.  I think you'll find a theme going on for this month. Everything is creepy and darker than my usual cutsie works thanks to a Halloween themed art prompt.  Hope you like the change.  I also believe I found my Nanowrimo idea in one of these pictures.  Sorry this ghost mermaid is not inked in.  I will share a picture of her next week when she's easier to see... or is she? She is a ghost after all.   The theme for this piece was creepy cute meets gravestone.  I chose a girl with her head tilted like that in honor of two anime characters we like Korona and Flame who are both creepy in their rights and both do the creepy head tilt with wide eyes thing.  I do need to fix her sleeve though, its driving me crazy. This work is witch meets bone.  she's not my favorite,...

Slow Week, Many Robots

This week has been unusually slow for writing and drawing.  After I just said I try to draw something everyday I passed a whole week through only doing three pieces.  Well, no I did a self portrait for a drawing prompt, but you don't get to see it.  I looked like Olivia from Walking Dead... and I don't look anything like Olivia from Walking Dead except I'm female. Writing wise, I spent some time at the library this week working on Robby the Robot.  Some reason going to the corn maze with the family wiped with out for the rest of the week. I'm still running on empty and sore all over.  Here's to hoping for a productive weekend! Hope you had a wonderful week and were more productive than I.      Robby with GrandmaBot in her living room.  I don't like Robby's eyes that large, he looks slightly alien to me.  Robby in his living room playing on the PlayBot4.  Tell me truthfully what do you think of the size of their ...